Supportive. Strong character. Empathetic and exceeding helpful when it’s actually needed.

Created by Ryan one year ago
Not only did we share a lot of positive experiences together, like a simple regulat pint at various pubs. Fishing at the secret pier spot. Taking the mini RIB out and testing multiple engins and boats together on an evening at sun diwn. No homo. Hes was one of the most supportive sensible mates ive ever had. Its a great loss for eveykne close to him and me. Every time my mental health (Bi-Polar) slipped into psychosis or a mixed-edfective epoisode. Instead of being scared or feeling discomfort and avoiding it. He would step right into the situation and bring a level of reality and supportive comfort. Assisting me out of it and helping me keep control. This happened three times before my medication dosage was correct, like it now. After a very new diagnoise. He took people for who they were and brought the best out of them. One of the best friends ive had and im seriously not just saying that because of his passing. I will always be greatful. Thank you bro. RIP. We’ll all respect amd go you proud g. Love. 
